Ford originally offered the Mustang owner personalized rubber floor mats and they continue to be a very popular and practical accessory today. We felt that Falcon owners deserved the same luxury option to accessorize, as well as, protect their expensive carpet. Front floor mats include both the Falcon Bird and Falcon Script and are licensed by Ford Motor Company. This 4-piece kit will fit all 1960-70 Ford Falcons, as well as all years of Australian-made RHD Falcons.
Ford originally offered the Mustang owner personalized rubber floor mats and they continue to be a very popular and practical accessory today. We felt that Falcon owners deserved the same luxury option to accessorize, as well as, protect their expensive carpet. Front floor mats include both the Falcon Bird and Falcon Script and are licensed by Ford Motor Company. This 4-piece kit will fit all 1960-70 Ford Falcons, as well as all years of Australian-made RHD Falcons.